Let's talk about
brain injury

Brain Injury Assist is a practical guide to brain injury, helping to simplify the information presented to family members and carers of people who have brain injury.
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All brain injuries are different and not every situation will be the same.

Legal issues

After Brain Injury
After brain injury, a number of decisions may require urgent attention. There is no resource here but we will be adding more and more information to help you with those decisions.
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Life with a brain injury

After Brain Injury
Adjusting to life with a brain injury can take time. Brain Injury Assist aims to help and make it a little easier.
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Coping with grief and loss

The consequences of Brain Injury is different for each person and therefore - the grief, loss and recovery will also differ.
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About the project

The development of this website and resources was funded under the I.L.C (Information Linkages Capacity Building) National Readiness Grants by the N.D.I.S.

If you'd like to read more about this project please click the link below.

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Contact Information

BrainLink Services Ltd will be the first port of call offering information and referral services for those who have enquiries about brain injury.

If you'd like to learn more about the project, brain injury topic cards or services in your area please click the link below to contact us.

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