Coping with grief and loss

The consequences of Brain Injury is different for each person and therefore - the grief, loss and recovery will also differ.
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Invisible consequences of Brain Injury

Grieving is a normal reaction to loss

The consequences of Brain Injury is different for each person and therefore - the grief, loss and recovery will also differ.

Please note: We don't currently have a resource at the moment for this topic but we have a video below highlighting how coping with grief and loss can sometimes come hand in hand with Brain Injury. Adjusting to life with a Brain Injury can take time.

Other resources

Coping with grief and loss

The consequences of Brain Injury is different for each person and therefore - the grief, loss and recovery will also differ.
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Life with a brain injury

After Brain Injury
Adjusting to life with a brain injury can take time. Brain Injury Assist aims to help and make it a little easier.
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Brain injury and rehabilitation

After Brain Injury
Rehabilitation is about restoring as much quality of life and ability as possible.
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