Brain injury and rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is about restoring as much quality of life and ability as possible.
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The importance of rehabilitation

The cognitive, behavioural and personality deficits of a Brain Injury can be more disabling than the residual physical deficits, but not in every case

Rehabilitation is an important part of recovery, although can sometimes be quite difficult. Rehab can take many forms depending on your needs and might include physical, occupational and speech therapy as well as psychiatric care and social support.

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Legal issues

After Brain Injury
After brain injury, a number of decisions may require urgent attention. There is no resource here but we will be adding more and more information to help you with those decisions.
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About Brain Injury

About Brain Injury
Brain injuries are like fingerprints, each one is different. This resource can help you navigate those differences.
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Coping with grief and loss

The consequences of Brain Injury is different for each person and therefore - the grief, loss and recovery will also differ.
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